Number Invest

Hello, My name is Justin Nam

Hello, this is a personal project of mine which took 2 days to create. I will still be updating the website occasionally here and there.

This is my portfolio website where you can learn more about me, purchase services from me, as well as visit more fun websites like this.


1. You start out with 100 dollars and your goal is to try to earn as much as possible in 10 turns/years.

2. You can invest those 100 dollars in any company on the list however, you can not over spend the money you have but you can choose not to spend some money.

3. Once you hit start you will be given the money and after that hit the Roll button to move on to the next turn.

4. Each companies number will be randomly generated and can be a negative.

5. The number that is generated will be multiplied by the amount you invested into that company.

6. If you run out of money you lose.